From 5 to 45 minutes, my at home workouts are designed with exercise physiology-backed moves in mind for you to connect with yourself to feel refreshed, energised, strong, lean & toned. I let that free and playful feeling that comes with the summertime inspire me when I curate our movement schedule.
Absolutely loved that workout? Once you sign up, you can save your favourites to your account to have easy access to the movement you look forward to most. Follow along our monthly schedule of curated movement or create your own playlist with your favorite go-to workouts.

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Meet Your Founder
Olivia Victoria is a 25 year old entrepreneur based out of southern California. Born in England, Olivia grew up with the European ideals of guiltless rest and exercising to simply honor your healthy, working body.
"You know that feeling of spending a summer day being active in the sun, your sun kissed skin is tight where the sea's salt has dried, you feel so connected to yourself and the world around you, and you're ready to dive in on a fresh meal? Well, that's my favorite feeling and I try to sprinkle it into my everyday with the movement I lead.
Movement is my time to step away from the world and drop into myself. Whether I want to flow through really beautiful and light movement or smash out a high intensity session, movement is always there for me to let my body lead my mind and to show me what it's like to make time for me."
Olivia is a Pilates instructor and former athlete. Through pilates and sport inspired movement, Olivia curates her classes to lead you through truly feel good movement. sequence.

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