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It's time we step into who you've always meant to be.

That goal.
That dream.
That mindset.
It's yours.

You're invited to join this transformational experience - connecting deeply with your aligned mind, body and soul

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Should it be a good fit, a 15 minute introductory call with Olivia is scheduled

You apply below to be one of the 8 young women in the May coaching group 

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You work with Olivia over the course of 6 weeks for 9 hours of coaching in the spaces of life you're seeking mentorship and abundance - mindset, wellness, nutrition, personalised movement, habits, etc.

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We alternate between 30 and 60 minute sessions for 6 weeks

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A note from Olivia

I am so proud of you for recognising that the life you can't stop dreaming about is yours for the making. I've personally worked with my life coach for over two years and I don't see myself ever stopping - coaching is a direct investment in me and my experience in this life. From career goals to not settling in relationships to daily habits and systems that support the life that fuels me, my life coach challenges me to dream bigger and to step through limiting beliefs and into a mindset that reminds me of my worth and potential. I am forever cheering you on and I'm so excited to help you build the life you're so capable of leading. xx

We start Wednesday, 3 May

Apply before Tuesday, 18 April for 11% off

Cost: $1200  $1068

Apply for one on
one coaching here

Please e-mail any additional questions

The domans of life I want to improve and attract abundace to:

I am so proud of you! I'll be in touch! Xx Olivia

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